Fellowship Units

Our team is always on stand by, to lend a helping hand, we would love to hear from you.

Publicity (Media)

Kingdom Gospel needs to reach far and wide. This unit provides the medium of its accomplishment. Great is the commission indeed!
(Isa. 52:7; Jer. 36:4-7)

Monday - Publicity Meeting: 7pm


Music touches man's heart, so does kingdom music to God's heart. The fruit of our lips is best expressed to God if there are people to lead us to offer it well. Then God comes real to us as we praise and worship.
(2 Chron. 20:21-22; Neh. 12:27-29)

Wednesdays - Rehearsals: 8:30pm

Saturdays - Rehearsals: 8:30pm

Transport and Organizing (TOS)

Nothing can thrive without organisation and those who organise it.
(Psalms 78:72)


Our health is wealth. He has made provisions for us to live up to longevity in pure and sound health, crowned with peace. Our health should glorify God
(3 John 1:2; Ps. 91:16)

Sunday - Prayers/Meeting: 6pm


Order is essential. Our God is a God of order. Therefore we should follow in the same light. Hence the need for the unit.
(Gen. 3:22-24)


Our worship reflects his divine, creative image. Drama is a fresh, innovative expression of his nature in us. Our drama draws God's presence closer to affect men.
(1 John. 1:1)

Wednesday - Meeting: 8:30pm

Saturday- Meeting: 8:30pm


Wealth and riches are dimensions of powers given from above, but not for the lazy and idle hand. God doesn't disapprove of kingdom commerce.
(Deut. 8:18; Rev. 5:12)


Soul winning beats the heart of God. The mandate is to save the whole world so as to keep His heart beating. Despite wealth and influence, a saved man is the most influential man to God.
(Mark 16:15-20)


Prayer is the key that unlocks the door to communion with ELOHIM. “Behold,” said the Lord, “I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”
(Rev. 3:20)

Friday - Prayer Meeting: 7pm

Bible Study

Education, learning is a great tool for life and as a Christian, studying God’s Word is the way to save one’s soul. Study to show yourself approved as a workman.
(2nd Timothy 2:15)

Sunday - Preview: 7pm

Tuesday - Bible Study: 7pm